The Toughest Interview Question of the Week - What Books Have You Read Recently?

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It's that time again, time for the Toughest Interview Question of the Week. This is the place where we take a look at a tough interview question and try to figure out how to best answer it. If you have been looking for a job, you know how important it is to come to an interview prepared for anything they might throw at you.
So, here is the Toughest Interview Question of the Week:
What books have you read recently?
Why it's a trap:
This question is sort of sneaky. It seems innocent enough that it almost sounds like a great conversation starter. But, what the interviewer wants to find out is if you are going to rattle off the names of some classics that you read in high school or college or if you will give them the name of some current bestsellers. The point is to determine if you are someone who is interested in learning in their free time or if you will just list some books you have heard of but never read.
The best answer:
Unless you are interviewing for a position where specific higher learning is required, like for a college professorship, the company doesn't really care if you are an avid reader or not. The main thing is to not try to pretend that you have read a few bestsellers and try to bluff your way through this question. Keep in mind that the goal is to find out if you are someone who is interested in learning or if you are going to try to fake being familiar with a book to impress them.
So, the best way to answer it is to not do either. Consider it part of your job search, and even your job to keep up to date with what is going on in your industry. This means reading books about your industry, about being successful and even books about career management. If you aren't much of a reader, you can always find audio books at your local library. Then, when you are asked this question, you will be able to tell them about a book you have read lately that relates directly to the job you are interviewing for. You can even, briefly, share an insight or tidbit that you learned from the book. The hiring manager or interviewer would have to be impressed that you are so motivated. If you want to be sure you have all of your bases covered, think about a popular fiction book that you have read to include in your answer. The plus side is that it will make you seem more well-rounded and not just all business.
What do you think about this question and answer? Let me know in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for LogisticsJobsiteBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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