7 Unique Interview Tips

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In this blog I am going to give you interview advice that goes beyond the usual commonsense blog that tells you to lose the piercings, get a haircut and hide the tattoos.  While in the world of business this is important because business is about your employer making money not your personal freedom; there is some advice not often covered that is important too. 


The first thing on my list before going to an interview is to make sure your nails are clean and manicured, even if you are a man.  Invest in a nail file and a nail brush you use with soap and water.  You may think this hands detail is minor, but you’d be surprised how many people will notice your hands; especially if you attend to them rarely


The next thing, especially if you have dental insurance and are currently employed and looking to up your career potential with a better job is visit a dentist.  Bad teeth and bad breath will keep you from getting a good job.  It's good advice anyway; especially since bad breath is often just a lack of good oral hygiene that a dentist can teach you to change.   If teeth need repaired, save to do it.  I don’t have the money on my crummy job.  Really, do you have the money to go to McDonalds or smoke?  Do you have bar money?  Question answered.


The third thing to do is get nice looking glasses if you wear them or switch to contacts if you can.  The glasses don’t have to be expensive glasses either, but they should complement your looks, not detract from them.   If you have no taste, bring along a friend who does. 


Number four in my list is to buy nice shoes.   Cheap shoes suggest a cheap person.  Buy shoes the can be repaired at a shoe repair shop.  In the long run, you’ll save money because the shoes can be repaired for years and your feet will be healthier.


Number five is to wear a men’s or women’s business suit to job interviews; even for lower level jobs.  The nice thing about this kinds of clothing is that you can get nice inexpensive clothes from Good Will or thrift shops and the only thing that may be required is minor tailoring or drycleaning   


For number six on the list, wear nice socks and women invest is a few pair of stockings.  Old socks fall down to shoe level and will be noticed if you sit down in your interview.  As far as stockings, you may be too pressed for time to buy new ones when you put them on and find out that they have a run in them.


Number seven is prepare for the obvious.  Drinks spill, ketchup bottles squirt, and cars splash mud.  Keep a spare suit with you and avoid eating anything that you can squirt or splatter on you before your interview.  Bring a box of plain white soup crackers with you.  They will cut hunger pangs, and crumbs can be cleaned off you that fall your way.  As far as a drink, water doesn’t stain.  It’s not worth losing the perfect job because you had to have a cup of coffee that spills five mintues before the interview.



"Image from dreamstime.com"



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